Infrastructure Centers
Infrastructure Centers – Quick Links:
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Life Sciences and Engineering Infrastructure Unit (LS&E)
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Flow Cytometry
- 2 lasers analyzer – FACS Calibur
- 4 Laser Flow Cytometer Analyzer – BD FACS LSRII
- 4-Laser Flow Cytometer Sorter (BD FACS Aria- III)
- Image Stream – Flow cytometer Imager
- Analysis Software and Support – FCS Express Analysis software
Light Microscopy
- Multiphoton Multispectral Laser-Scanning Microscope (LSM 510 META NLO)
- Inverted confocal microscope (LSM 700)
- Inverted confocal microscope for live imaging and high sensitivity (LSM 710 GaAsP)
- 6 Dimensional Microscope for Living Cells (Cell Observer)
- Inverted Leica DMIRE2
- Fluorescent binocular
- Light Sheet Fluorescent Microscope (Zeiss Z1)
- High Throughput High Content Imaging System (GE InCell 2000)
Image analysis
- 4D analysis software – Bitplane IMARIS
- FIJI – image analysis & processing -Free SW
- Full ZEN – Zeiss
- InCell Investigator – High Content Imaging analysis software
- Light-Sheet Imaging Software
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The Technion Genome Center (TGC)
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High Throughput Sequencing – Technion Genome Center
- Illumina HiSeq 2500
- Illumina HiSeq 2500 1-Tera
- Illumina MiSeq
- Covaris E220
- Agilent Tape Station
- MinIon – Nanopore Technology sequencer
- Fluidigm C1 – Automated solution for single cell genomics
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Biomedical Core Facility (BCF)
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Light Microscopy
- Fluorescence macro zoom system microscope – Olympus MVX-ZB10
- Widefield microscopes, long term live cell imaging – Zeiss cell observer
- Inverted & upright confocal microscopes – Zeiss LSM 510 & Zeiss LSM 700
- Upright confocal microscope, spectral, high speed & high resolution – Zeiss LSM 880
- High throughput live cell imaging equipped with quantitative algorithms – Incucyte Zoom
- Automatic high throughput whole slide scanner- 3DHistech Pannoramic Midi & 250 Flash III
- Histopathology slide preparation unit, Leica equipment
- Electron microscopy biological specimen unit
In-vivo rodent imaging
- Fluorescence macro zoom system microscope – Olympus MVX-ZB10
- High throughput fluorescent & luminescent imaging system – IVIS 200
- Micro ultrasound – VisualSonics Vevo 2100
- Micro 1T MRI – M2 Aspect
- Micro 9.4T MRI – BioSpec Bruker
- Micro NMR body composition analyzer– Bruker TD Minispec
Image analysis
- 4D analysis software – Bitplane IMARIS
- FIJI – image analysis & processing – Free SW
- Zen 2010 offline – Zeiss
- MRI Tool – custom Matlab based software
- Image-Pro Plus & Image Pro Premier – MediaCybernetics
- Image Deconvolution – AutoQuant MediaCybernetics
- Custom macro and batch solutions
Flow and Mass Cytometry
Flow Cytometry
- LSRFortessa- 4 laser analyzer
- High-Throughput Stratedigm S1000EXi (4 lasers)
- CyAn ADP- 3 lasers analyzer
- FACS Calibur-2 lasers analyzer
- FACS Aria IIIu- 5 laser sorter
- Bio-Plex MAGPIX
Mass Cytometry
Analysis Software and Support
Cytobank, FCS Express, FlowJO and ModFit data analysis software
Genomic Technologies
Illumina HiScan
Next Generation Sequencing
- Illumina NextSeq500
- IonTorrent PGM
Sanger Sequencing and Genotyping
ABI 3500XL Genetic Analyzer
Real-Time PCR
- Corbett Rotor Gene
- Fluidigm BioMark
DNA / RNA purification / quality / quantity
- Qiagen Qiacube
- Agilent TapeStation
- Qubit
- Covaris M-220
CRISPR Genome Editing
NEPA21 Electroporator
General Services
- Isothermal Titration Calorimetry- ITC
- Freeze- drying
- Plate readers: Fluorescence, Luminescence, Transmitted
- Nano-Drop UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
- Scanners: Phosphorimager, Odyssey infrared
- Image documentation
- Radiation counters: Gamma, Beta
- Centrifuges
- Incubator – Innova 4335
- Film Development
- Sonicators
- High Pressure homogenizer
- Lyophiliser – Freeze-drying
- Bio-safety virus room
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The Technion Center for Electron Microscopy of Soft Matter (TCEMSM)
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- Zeiss Ultra Plus High-Resolution Scanning Electron Microscope (HR-SEM) + Cryo-SEM
- FEI Talos 200C cryo-dedicated high-resolution transmission electron microscope
- FEI T12 G2cryo-dedicated transmission electron microscope
- Leica UC6 Ultramicrotome FC6
- Olympus BH-2 light microscope
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- Dual Beam Focused Ion Beam – FEI Helios NanoLab G3 UC FIB
- Scanning Electron Microscope – Zeiss Ultra-Plus HRSEM
- Scanning Electron Microscope – FEI E-SEM Quanta 200
- Transmission Electron Microscope – FEI Titan 80-300 kV FEG-S/TEM
- Transmission Electron Microscope – FEI Tecnai G2 T20 S-Twin TEM
- Light Microscopes
- Electron Microscopy Specimen Preparation Lab
- Plasma Cleaner
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x-ray and particle characterization facilities (RBNI)
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- Small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS)
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- Solar simulator (Oriel Sol3A, Newport Inc.)
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Nanoparticles and Nanometric Systems Characterization Center
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- BI-DNDC: Differential Refractometer
- NanoWizard® II BioAFM
- FluoroLog 3-22- Modular Spectrofluorometer
- Bl-200SM Research Goniometer System
- NanoWizard II, BioAFM
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Surface Characterization Center, Solid State Institute
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- Ion Implantation (HVEE 320 keV Ion Implanter)
- Micro Raman Spectroscopy (Dilor Double Spectrometer)
- HR XRD – High Resolution X-ray Diffraction
- NSOM/AFM – Near-field Scanning Optical/Atomic Force Microscopy
- STM/AFM – Scanning Tunneling/Atomic Force Microscopy (Omicron UHV SPM)
- XPS – X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
- TOF-SIMS – Time of Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (IONTOF V)
- Kelvin probe microscopy in ultra-high vacuum
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Computational Nanoscience & Nanotechnology
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Micro Nano Fabrication and Printing Unit (MNF&PU)
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- i-line Stepper GCA Autostep 200
- Laser Writer Heidelberg Instruments DWL 66+
- Contact Mask Aligner with BSA system KARL SUSS MA6
- Contact Mask Aligner KARL SUSS MJB3
- Contact Mask Aligner KARL SUSS MJB3 with BSA
- Automatic Coater Suss MicroTec Delta 80 RC
- Automatic Developer Suss MicroTec Delta 8+
- Vacuum Oven with NH3 YES-310TA(E) for reversal image
- Dry Film Laminator JSE JSL-1200
- Flood Exposure Tool OAI-150
- Wet benches for resist coating, bakes and development
- Wet benches for resist stripping and cleaning
- Plasma Asher Axic HF-8
- Plasma Asher YES G-1000
- E-Beam Lithography Raith EBPG 5200
- Reactive Ion Etching (RIE) Plasma-Therm 790 (Fluorine Chemistry)
- ICP Deep RIE Plasma-Therm Versaline (Fluorine Chemistry)
- ICP Etcher Plasma-Therm Shuttleline (Chlorine Chemistry)
- Wet etching benches (RCA clean, Buffered Oxide etch, Isotropic Silicon etch, Aluminium etch, Si3N4 etch, Anisotropic Silicon etch (KOH), Chromium etch)
- Tube Furnaces BTI-Bruce RTRI-878 for Silicon Oxidation, Annealing, Phosphorus Diffusion, Low Pressure CVD of Si3N4, Poly-Si and SiO2
- E-beam Evaporator Evatec BAK501
- E-beam Evaporator Airco Temescal BJD 1800
- E-beam Evaporator Airco Temescal FC 1800
- E-beam Evaporator VST TFDS-184
- Thermal Evaporator Vinci Technologies
- Thermal Evaporator Edwards E306A
- Sputter Deposition AJA International Inc. ATC 2200
- Plasma-Assisted Atomic Layer Deposition Ultratech/Cambridge Nanotech Fiji G2
- Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) Plasma-Therm Vision 410
- Molecular Vapor Deposition AMTS 100E
- Rapid Thermal Annealing Jipelec JetFirst 200C
- Pad Printer Teca-Print TPX301
- Wet benches for ink preparation with stirring plate and mixers
- Viscometer Viscotech Myr VR 3000
- HR-SEM Hitachi S-4700
- HR-SEM Hitachi S-4800
- Atomic Force Microscope DI-3000
- Atomic Force Microscope Asylum Research/Oxford Instruments MFP-3D Infinity
- Surface Profiler KLA Tencor P-6
- Surface Profiler KLA Tencor 500
- Surface Profiler KLA Tencor 200
- Film thickness measurement Nanometrics AFT 2100 Nanospec
- Ellipsometer Rudolph AutoEL II
- Ellipsometer Gaertner L117
- Ellipsometer Woollam VASE. Multi-layer measurements wave length 193-2500nm
- Ellipsometer Woollam M-2000UI
- Film stress measurement Tencor FLX-2320
- C-V Plotter MDC
- Four Point Probe Veeco FPP 5000
- I-V probe station, Keithley 2400 I-V metter
- CDs Optical Measurements Vickers micro-system
- Optical Microscope Nikon Eclipse L200 with a camera
- Optical Microscope Nikon with a camera
- Optical Microscopes Olympus BX-60, SZ-11 with a camera
- Optical Microscope Zeiss Axiotron
- Contact Angle Goniometer Ramé-hart 200
- Dicer Disco DAD3350
- Wire Bonder TPT HB16
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Solid State NMR Spectroscopy Laboratory
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- Solids State NMR Spectroscopy Laboratory
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- Mass Spectroscopy
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- Bioinformatics Knowledge Unit
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- Q-Exactive Plus
- LTQ Orbitrap XL
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- Fermentors
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- Glove Box with Evaporator
- Probe Station
- DSDevice Analyzer – AgilentC
- Langmuir-Blodgett Trough
- System for characterizing sensors
- Kelvin Probe
- Spectrophotometer
- Elipsometer
- Gas evaporator
- Spin coater
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Hydrogen Technologies Research Laboratory
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- Gas-Chromatograph (Agilent 7890A)
- Controlled Intensity Modulated Photocurrent Spectroscopy (CIMPS, Zahner Electrik)
- Solar Simulator (Abet, USA)
- Kelvin Probe (NRH020 KP Technologies)
- Ultrasonic spray deposition (ExactaCoat, Sono-Tek)
- Ivium nStat
- Profilometer (DekTak Bruker)
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Technion Center for Structural Biology
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- Mosquito TTP Labtech
- Rock Imager Formulatrix
- Formulator Formulatrix
- X-ray generator FR-X Rigaku
- Actor Automated Crystal Mounting System Rigaku
Biochemical Charecterization
- Nano ITC 601000
- MST Monolith NT.115 NanoTemper
- NanoDSF Prometheus NT.48 NanoTemper
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- PEM FC test stations (850e, Scribner)
- SOFC test station (X-20, Greenlight) with SOFC button cell fixture
- Dilatometer with double measuring system (DIL 402 Expedies Select&Supreme, Netzsch)
- Membrane Test System (740 MTS, Scribner)
- Vapor Sorption Analysis (VTA-SA+, TA instruments)
- Screen Printer (MSP-485, Hary Manufacturing Inc.)
- Laser cutter (VLS 4.60, Universal Laser Systems)
- Planetary mono mill (PULVERISETTE 6, Fritsch)
- Glove Box (VTI)
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Quantum Matter Research Center
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- Quantum Design PPMS Dynacool
- Quantum Design MPMS3
- Bruker XRD