Infrastructure Centers

Infrastructure Centers

Infrastructure Centers – Quick Links:

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Life Sciences and Engineering Infrastructure Unit (LS&E)

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Flow Cytometry

  1. 2 lasers analyzer – FACS Calibur
  2. 4 Laser Flow Cytometer Analyzer – BD FACS LSRII
  3. 4-Laser Flow Cytometer Sorter (BD FACS Aria- III)
  4. Image Stream – Flow cytometer Imager
  5. Analysis Software and Support – FCS Express Analysis software

Light Microscopy

  1. Multiphoton Multispectral Laser-Scanning Microscope (LSM 510 META NLO)
  2. Inverted confocal microscope (LSM 700)
  3. Inverted confocal microscope for live imaging and high sensitivity (LSM 710 GaAsP)
  4. 6 Dimensional Microscope for Living Cells (Cell Observer)
  5. Inverted Leica DMIRE2
  6. Fluorescent binocular
  7. Light Sheet Fluorescent Microscope (Zeiss Z1)
  8. High Throughput High Content Imaging System (GE InCell 2000)

Image analysis

  1. 4D analysis software – Bitplane IMARIS
  2. FIJI – image analysis & processing -Free SW
  3. Full ZEN – Zeiss
  4. InCell Investigator – High Content Imaging analysis software
  5. Light-Sheet Imaging Software



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The Technion Genome Center (TGC)

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High Throughput Sequencing – Technion Genome Center

  1. Illumina HiSeq 2500
  2. Illumina HiSeq 2500 1-Tera
  3. Illumina MiSeq
  4. Covaris E220
  5. Agilent Tape Station
  6. MinIon – Nanopore Technology sequencer
  7. Fluidigm C1 – Automated solution for single cell genomics




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Biomedical Core Facility (BCF)

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Light Microscopy

  1. Fluorescence macro zoom system microscope – Olympus MVX-ZB10
  2. Widefield microscopes, long term live cell imaging – Zeiss cell observer
  3. Inverted & upright confocal microscopes – Zeiss LSM 510 & Zeiss LSM 700
  4. Upright confocal microscope, spectral, high speed & high resolution – Zeiss LSM 880
  5. High throughput live cell imaging equipped with quantitative algorithms – Incucyte Zoom
  6. Automatic high throughput whole slide scanner- 3DHistech Pannoramic Midi & 250 Flash III
  7. Histopathology slide preparation unit, Leica equipment
  8. Electron microscopy biological specimen unit

In-vivo rodent imaging

  1. Fluorescence macro zoom system microscope – Olympus MVX-ZB10
  2. High throughput fluorescent & luminescent imaging system – IVIS 200
  3. Micro ultrasound – VisualSonics Vevo 2100
  4. Micro 1T MRI – M2 Aspect
  5. Micro 9.4T MRI – BioSpec Bruker
  6. Micro NMR body composition analyzer– Bruker TD Minispec

Image analysis

  1. 4D analysis software – Bitplane IMARIS
  2. FIJI – image analysis & processing – Free SW
  3. Zen 2010 offline – Zeiss
  4. MRI Tool – custom Matlab based software
  5. Image-Pro Plus & Image Pro Premier – MediaCybernetics
  6. Image Deconvolution – AutoQuant MediaCybernetics
  7. Custom macro and batch solutions


Flow and Mass Cytometry

Flow Cytometry

  1. LSRFortessa- 4 laser analyzer
  2. High-Throughput Stratedigm S1000EXi (4 lasers)
  3. CyAn ADP- 3 lasers analyzer
  4. FACS Calibur-2 lasers analyzer
  5. FACS Aria IIIu- 5 laser sorter
  6. Bio-Plex MAGPIX

Mass Cytometry


Analysis Software and Support

Cytobank, FCS Express, FlowJO and ModFit data analysis software


Genomic Technologies

Illumina HiScan

Next Generation Sequencing

  1. Illumina NextSeq500
  2. IonTorrent PGM

Sanger Sequencing and Genotyping

ABI 3500XL Genetic Analyzer

Real-Time PCR

  1. Corbett Rotor Gene
  2. Fluidigm BioMark

DNA / RNA purification / quality / quantity

  1. Qiagen Qiacube
  2. Agilent TapeStation
  3. Qubit
  4. Covaris M-220

CRISPR Genome Editing

NEPA21 Electroporator


General Services

  1. Isothermal Titration Calorimetry- ITC
  2. Freeze- drying
  3. Plate readers: Fluorescence, Luminescence, Transmitted
  4. Nano-Drop UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
  5. Scanners: Phosphorimager, Odyssey infrared
  6. Image documentation
  7. Radiation counters: Gamma, Beta
  8. Centrifuges
  9. Incubator – Innova 4335
  10. Film Development
  11. Sonicators
  12. High Pressure homogenizer
  13. Lyophiliser – Freeze-drying
  14. Bio-safety virus room



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The Technion Center for Electron Microscopy of Soft Matter (TCEMSM)

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  1. Zeiss Ultra Plus High-Resolution Scanning Electron Microscope (HR-SEM) + Cryo-SEM
  2. FEI Talos 200C cryo-dedicated high-resolution transmission electron microscope
  3. FEI T12 G2cryo-dedicated transmission electron microscope
  4. Leica UC6 Ultramicrotome FC6
  5. Olympus BH-2 light microscope



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Electron Microscopy Center

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  1. Dual Beam Focused Ion Beam – FEI Helios NanoLab G3 UC FIB
  2. Scanning Electron Microscope – Zeiss Ultra-Plus HRSEM
  3. Scanning Electron Microscope – FEI E-SEM Quanta 200
  4. Transmission Electron Microscope – FEI Titan 80-300 kV FEG-S/TEM
  5. Transmission Electron Microscope – FEI Tecnai G2 T20 S-Twin TEM
  6. Light Microscopes
  7. Electron Microscopy Specimen Preparation Lab
  8. Plasma Cleaner



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x-ray and particle characterization facilities (RBNI)

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  • Small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS)



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Biomechanics and Tissue Eng.

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Photovoltaic Laboratory

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  • Solar simulator (Oriel Sol3A, Newport Inc.)



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Nanoparticles and Nanometric Systems Characterization Center

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  1. BI-DNDC: Differential Refractometer
  2. NanoWizard® II BioAFM
  3. FluoroLog 3-22- Modular Spectrofluorometer
  4. Bl-200SM Research Goniometer System
  5. NanoWizard II, BioAFM



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Surface Characterization Center, Solid State Institute

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  1. Ion Implantation (HVEE 320 keV Ion Implanter)
  2. Micro Raman Spectroscopy (Dilor Double Spectrometer)
  3. HR XRD – High Resolution X-ray Diffraction
  4. NSOM/AFM – Near-field Scanning Optical/Atomic Force Microscopy
  5. STM/AFM – Scanning Tunneling/Atomic Force Microscopy (Omicron UHV SPM)
  6. XPS – X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
  7. TOF-SIMS – Time of Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (IONTOF V)
  8. Kelvin probe microscopy in ultra-high vacuum



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Physics[/su_column] [su_column size=”4/5″]

  1. Solids Identification by Xray
  2. Liquid He, N2



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Computational Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

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Micro Nano Fabrication and Printing Unit (MNF&PU)

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  1. i-line Stepper GCA Autostep 200
  2. Laser Writer Heidelberg Instruments DWL 66+
  3. Contact Mask Aligner with BSA system KARL SUSS MA6
  4. Contact Mask Aligner KARL SUSS MJB3
  5. Contact Mask Aligner KARL SUSS MJB3 with BSA
  6. Automatic Coater Suss MicroTec Delta 80 RC
  7. Automatic Developer Suss MicroTec Delta 8+
  8. Vacuum Oven with NH3 YES-310TA(E) for reversal image
  9. Dry Film Laminator JSE JSL-1200
  10. Flood Exposure Tool OAI-150
  11. Wet benches for resist coating, bakes and development
  12. Wet benches for resist stripping and cleaning
  13. Plasma Asher Axic HF-8
  14. Plasma Asher YES G-1000


  1. E-Beam Lithography Raith EBPG 5200


  1. Reactive Ion Etching (RIE) Plasma-Therm 790 (Fluorine Chemistry)
  2. ICP Deep RIE Plasma-Therm Versaline (Fluorine Chemistry)
  3. ICP Etcher Plasma-Therm Shuttleline (Chlorine Chemistry)
  4. Wet etching benches (RCA clean, Buffered Oxide etch, Isotropic Silicon etch, Aluminium etch, Si3N4 etch, Anisotropic Silicon etch (KOH), Chromium etch)


  1. Tube Furnaces BTI-Bruce RTRI-878 for Silicon Oxidation, Annealing, Phosphorus Diffusion, Low Pressure CVD of Si3N4, Poly-Si and SiO2
  2. E-beam Evaporator Evatec BAK501
  3. E-beam Evaporator Airco Temescal BJD 1800
  4. E-beam Evaporator Airco Temescal FC 1800
  5. E-beam Evaporator VST TFDS-184
  6. Thermal Evaporator Vinci Technologies
  7. Thermal Evaporator Edwards E306A
  8. Sputter Deposition AJA International Inc. ATC 2200
  9. Plasma-Assisted Atomic Layer Deposition Ultratech/Cambridge Nanotech Fiji G2
  10. Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) Plasma-Therm Vision 410
  11. Molecular Vapor Deposition AMTS 100E
  12. Rapid Thermal Annealing Jipelec JetFirst 200C


  1. Pad Printer Teca-Print TPX301
  2. Wet benches for ink preparation with stirring plate and mixers
  3. Viscometer Viscotech Myr VR 3000 


  1. HR-SEM Hitachi S-4700
  2. HR-SEM Hitachi S-4800
  3. Atomic Force Microscope DI-3000
  4. Atomic Force Microscope Asylum Research/Oxford Instruments MFP-3D Infinity
  5. Surface Profiler KLA Tencor P-6
  6. Surface Profiler KLA Tencor 500
  7. Surface Profiler KLA Tencor 200
  8. Film thickness measurement Nanometrics AFT 2100 Nanospec
  9. Ellipsometer Rudolph AutoEL II
  10. Ellipsometer Gaertner L117
  11. Ellipsometer Woollam VASE. Multi-layer measurements wave length 193-2500nm
  12. Ellipsometer Woollam M-2000UI
  13. Film stress measurement Tencor FLX-2320
  14. C-V Plotter MDC
  15. Four Point Probe Veeco FPP 5000
  16. I-V probe station, Keithley 2400 I-V metter
  17. CDs Optical Measurements Vickers micro-system
  18. Optical Microscope Nikon Eclipse L200 with a camera
  19. Optical Microscope Nikon with a camera
  20. Optical Microscopes Olympus BX-60, SZ-11 with a camera
  21. Optical Microscope Zeiss Axiotron
  22. Contact Angle Goniometer Ramé-hart 200


  1. Dicer Disco DAD3350
  2. Wire Bonder TPT HB16



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Solid State NMR Spectroscopy Laboratory

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  • Solids State NMR Spectroscopy Laboratory



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  1. NMR
  2. Mass Spectroscopy



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  • Bioinformatics Knowledge Unit



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Proteomics (Smoler Center)

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  1. Q-Exactive Plus
  2. LTQ Orbitrap XL



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Fermentation Microcalorimetry

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  1. Fermentors
  2. ITC
  3. DSC



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  1. Glove Box with Evaporator
  2. Probe Station
  3. DSDevice Analyzer – AgilentC
  4. Langmuir-Blodgett Trough
  5. System for characterizing sensors
  6. Kelvin Probe
  7. QCM
  8. Spectrophotometer
  9. Elipsometer
  10. Gas evaporator
  11. Spin coater



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Hydrogen Technologies Research Laboratory

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  1. Gas-Chromatograph (Agilent 7890A)
  2. Controlled Intensity Modulated Photocurrent Spectroscopy (CIMPS, Zahner Electrik)
  3. Solar Simulator (Abet, USA)
  4. Kelvin Probe (NRH020 KP Technologies)
  5. Ultrasonic spray deposition (ExactaCoat, Sono-Tek)
  6. Ivium nStat
  7. Profilometer (DekTak Bruker)



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Technion Center for Structural Biology

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  1. Mosquito TTP Labtech
  2. Rock Imager Formulatrix
  3. Formulator Formulatrix
  4. X-ray generator FR-X Rigaku
  5. Actor Automated Crystal Mounting System Rigaku

Biochemical Charecterization

  1. Nano ITC 601000
  2. MST Monolith NT.115 NanoTemper
  3. NanoDSF Prometheus NT.48 NanoTemper



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Fuel cell research laboratory

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  1. PEM FC test stations (850e, Scribner)
  2. SOFC test station (X-20, Greenlight) with SOFC button cell fixture
  3. Dilatometer with double measuring system (DIL 402 Expedies Select&Supreme, Netzsch)
  4. Membrane Test System (740 MTS, Scribner)
  5. Vapor Sorption Analysis (VTA-SA+, TA instruments)
  6. Screen Printer (MSP-485, Hary Manufacturing Inc.)
  7. Laser cutter (VLS 4.60, Universal Laser Systems)
  8. Planetary mono mill (PULVERISETTE 6, Fritsch)
  9. Glove Box (VTI)


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Quantum Matter Research Center
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  1. Quantum Design PPMS Dynacool
  2. Quantum Design MPMS3
  3. Bruker XRD

