Research Equipment
Subject | Instrument | Link |
Light Microscopy | Inverted / Upright Light Microscopy (LSE, BCF, Materials Eng.) Fluorescent light microscopy (LSE, BCF) Confocal laser scanning microscopy (LSE, BCF) Light Sheet Fluorescence microscope (Zeiss Z1) (LSE) High throughput automated slide scanner (BCF) High Throughput High Content Imaging System with dedicated analysis software (GE InCell 2000) (LSE) High throughput live cell imaging & analysis (Incucyte ZOOM) (BCF) Histopathology slide preparation unit (BCF) Electron microscopy biological specimen unit (BCF) | LS&E BCF Materials Eng. |
In Vivo Imaging | In vivo high throughput luminescence & fluorescence & X-RAY (Perkin Elmer IVIS Lumina XRMS) (BCF) In vivo ultra sound - VisualSonics Vevo 2100 (BCF) In vivo anatomical MRI - Aspect M2 1T (BCF) In vivo functional MRI - Bruker Biospec 9.4T (BCF) In vivo NMR - Bruker Minispec body composition analyzer (BCF) | BCF |
Image analysis and processing support | 4D analysis software: Bitplane IMARIS, image J, Image Pro, InCell Investigator, Miner, ZEN, LSM (LSE, BCF) Personalized image analysis solutions, batch & macros, custom-made software (BCF, LSE) | BCF LS&E |
Electron Microscopy | SEM (+ with EDS, WDS and EBSD) (Materials Eng.) High resolution SEM (Cryo-SEM+EDS) (TCEMSM) Dual beam FIB (Materials Eng.) S/TEM (+EDS, EELS) (Materials Eng.) TEM (Materials Eng.) Cryo-TEM, TEM (TCEMSM) Scanning Electron, Microscopy (SEM), TESCAN Vega-II (Chemistry) HRSEM (+EDS, STEM and EBSD) (Materials Eng.) HR-SEM Hitachi S-4700 and S-4800 (MNF&PU) HR-TEM, cryo-TEM, (+STEM, Tomography, cryo-Tomography) (TCEMSM) | Materials Eng. Chemical Eng. Materials Eng. Materials Eng. Materials Eng. Chemical Eng. Chemistry Materials Eng. MNF&PU TCEMSM |
Scanning Probe Microscopy | AFM NSOM/AFM (STM/AFM) (Materials Eng.) (Solid State Ins. / Physics) BioAFM (Biotechnology & Food Eng.) Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), (Veeco/Bruker, Dimension 3100) (Chemistry) AFM Veeco DI-3000 (MNF&PU) AFM Asylum Research/Oxford Instruments MFP-3D Infinity (MNF&PU) | Materials Eng. / Solid State Ins. Physics Biotech. Eng. Chemistry MNF&PU |
Flow Cytometry | FACS Calibur (2 lasers) (BCF) (LSE) BD LSR II with High Throughput system (4 lasers) (LSE) BD FACS Aria-IIIu-sorter (5 laser) (BCF) (LSE) Image Stream - Flow Imager (LSE) CyAn ADP (3 lasers) (BCF) BD FACS Fortessa (4 lasers) (BCF) High-Throughput Stratedigm S1000EXi (4 lasers) (BCF) Luminex MAGPIX (BCF) Mass cytometry - CyTOF (BCF) Analysis: Cytobank, FCS Express, FlowJO and ModFit data analysis software (LSE) (BCF) | LS&E BCF |
Genomics | Sequencing and Genotyping: 1. Illumina HiSeq 1-Tera (TGC) 2. Illumina HiSeq 2500 (TGC) 3. Illumina NextSeq500 (BCF) 4. Ion Torrent PGM (BCF) 5. Illumina MiSeq (TGC) 6. Microarray- Illumina HiScan (BCF) 7. 3500XL Genetic Analyzer (BCF) 8. MinIon - Nanopore Technology sequencer (TGC) 9. Fluidigm C1 - Automated solution for single cell genomics (TGC) 10. Agilent Bravo sample-preparation automation system for NGS (TGC) 11. Covaris - high throughput shearing system (TGC) (BCF) Real-Time PCR: 1. Fluidigm BioMarkHD (BCF) 2. Qiagen Rotor Gene (BCF) 3. ABi 7300 (TGC) 4. BioRad CFX96 (TGC) CRISPR Genome Editing NEPA21 Electroporator (BCF) Automated Electrophoresis-2200 TapeStation (LSE) (BCF) DNA/RNA automated extraction: Qiacube (BCF) | BCF LS&E TGC |
Spectroscopy / Spectrometry | Mass Spectroscopy (Chemistry) Micro Raman Spectroscopy (Solid State Ins. Physics) XPS-X ray Photoelectron Spectrometry (Solid State Ins. Physics) TOF-SIMS Time of Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (Ion ToF TOF SIMS V) (Solid State Ins. Physics) Micro Raman (Chemistry) (with: hot/cold stage, poloraizers, UV laser), Horiba Jobin Yvon Materials Characterization (Solid State Ins. Physics) Advion expression compact mass spectrometer (Biomimetic Research Laboratory) | Chemistry Solid State Ins. Physics Chemistry Biomimetic Research Laboratory |
X-ray | HR XRD-High Resolution (RBNI) X-ray Diffraction (Solid State Ins. Physics) X-ray Diffractometer (Materials Eng.) Solid Identification by X-ray (Physics) Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) (Chemical Eng.) X-Ray Single Crystal Diffraction (Chemistry) | RBNI Solid State Ins. Physics Materials Eng. Physics Chemical Eng. Chemistry |
NMR | NMR computer cluster | Chemistry |
Computation | TAMNUN | TAMNUN |
Bioinformatics & Biostatistics | Bioinformatics & Biostatistics (BKU) (BCF) | Biology BCF |
Proteomics | Q-Exactive Plus LTQ Orbitrap XL | Biology |
Elemental Analysis | Thermo Scientific CHNS Analyzer | Chemistry |
Micro Nano Fabrication and Printing Unit (MNF&PU) | PHOTOLITHOGRAPHY 1. i-line Stepper GCA Autostep 200 2. Laser Writer Heidelberg Instruments DWL 66+ 3. Contact Mask Aligner with BSA system KARL SUSS MA6 4. Contact Mask Aligner KARL SUSS MJB3 5. Contact Mask Aligner KARL SUSS MJB3 with BSA 6. Automatic Coater Suss MicroTec Delta 80 RC 7. Automatic Developer Suss MicroTec Delta 8+ 8. Vacuum Oven with NH3 YES-310TA(E) for reversal image 9. Dry Film Laminator JSE JSL-1200 10. Flood Exposure Tool OAI-150 11. Wet benches for resist coating, bakes and development 12. Wet benches for resist stripping and cleaning 13. Plasma Asher Axic HF-8 14. Plasma Asher YES G-1000 NANOPATTERNING 1. E-Beam Lithography Raith EBPG 5200 ETCHING 1. Reactive Ion Etching (RIE) Plasma-Therm 790 (Fluorine Chemistry) 2. ICP Deep RIE Plasma-Therm Versaline (Fluorine Chemistry) 3. ICP Etcher Plasma-Therm Shuttleline (Chlorine Chemistry) 4. Wet etching benches (RCA clean, Buffered Oxide etch, Isotropic Silicon etch, Aluminium etch, Si3N4 etch, Anisotropic Silicon etch (KOH), Chromium etch) MATERIAL DEPOSITION AND ANNEALING 1. Tube Furnaces BTI-Bruce RTRI-878 for Silicon Oxidation, Annealing, Phosphorus Diffusion, Low Pressure CVD of Si3N4, Poly-Si and SiO2 2. E-beam Evaporator Evatec BAK501 3. E-beam Evaporator Airco Temescal BJD 1800 4. E-beam Evaporator Airco Temescal FC 1800 5. E-beam Evaporator VST TFDS-184 6. Thermal Evaporator Vinci Technologies 7. Thermal Evaporator Edwards E306A 8. Sputter Deposition AJA International Inc. ATC 2200 9. Plasma-Assisted Atomic Layer Deposition Ultratech/Cambridge Nanotech Fiji G2 10. Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) Plasma-Therm Vision 410 11. Molecular Vapor Deposition AMTS 100E 12. Rapid Thermal Annealing Jipelec JetFirst 200C PRINTING 1. Pad Printer Teca-Print TPX301 2. Wet benches for ink preparation with stirring plate and mixers 3. Viscometer Viscotech Myr VR 3000 CHARACTERIZATION AND ANALYSIS 1. HR-SEM Hitachi S-4700 2. HR-SEM Hitachi S-4800 3. Atomic Force Microscope DI-3000 4. Atomic Force Microscope Asylum Research/Oxford Instruments MFP-3D Infinity 5. Surface Profiler KLA Tencor P-6 6. Surface Profiler KLA Tencor 500 7. Surface Profiler KLA Tencor 200 8. Film thickness measurement Nanometrics AFT 2100 Nanospec 9. Ellipsometer Rudolph AutoEL II 10. Ellipsometer Gaertner L117 11. Ellipsometer Woollam VASE. Multi-layer measurements wave length 193-2500nm 12. Ellipsometer Woollam M-2000UI 13. Film stress measurement Tencor FLX-2320 14. C-V Plotter MDC 15. Four Point Probe Veeco FPP 5000 16. I-V probe station, Keithley 2400 I-V metter 17. CDs Optical Measurements Vickers micro-system 18. Optical Microscope Nikon Eclipse L200 with a camera 19. Optical Microscope Nikon with a camera 20. Optical Microscopes Olympus BX-60, SZ-11 with a camera 21. Optical Microscope Zeiss Axiotron 22. Contact Angle Goniometer Ramé-hart 200 PACKAGING 1. Dicer Disco DAD3350 2. Wire Bonder TPT HB16 | MNF&PU |
Nanomaterial Based Devices | Probe Station Kelvin Probe QCM Spectrophotometer Elipsometer | LNBD |
Research devices - production and repair | Machine Workshop Electronics Workshop | Physics Physics |
Low temperature | Cryogenic Plant | Physics |
Magnetism | SQUID magnetometer | Physics |
Other | Laser Microdissection Optical Tweezers (Chemical Eng. / RBNI) Solar simulator (Materials Eng.) Fermentors (Biotechnology & Food Eng.) Isothermal titration calorimeter (ITC & DSC) (BCF) Fluorescence transmited luminescence plate readers (BCF) UV-Vis Spectrophotometer & Nano Drop (BCF) Lyofilizer (BCF) Sonicators & High-Pressure Homogenizer (BCF) Centrifuges & Ultra centrifuges (BCF) Incubator-Innova 4335 (BCF) Phosphor Imager , Odyssey scanner (BCF) Fourier Transform InfraRed (FTIR) with ATR Bruker Tensor 27 (Chemistry) Fluorometer (with chiller) Jobin Yvon Fluorolog-3 (Chemistry) Spectrophotometer (with chiller) Shimadzu UV-1800 (Chemistry) Spectrophotometer (with chiller) Varian Cary 50 Bio (Chemistry) Elemental CHNS Analyzer Thermo Scientific Flash2000 (Chemistry) Cring UV lamp RunWing Co. RW-UV.3BP (Chemistry) Microwave reactor CEM Cop., Discover (Chemistry) Light microscop with camera, Olympus BH2-UMA (Chemistry) Oven (250 C) Fisher Scientific Ecocell (Chemistry) Sputter coater Polaron (Chemistry) Micro Balance Mettler Toledo Excellence Plus (Chemistry) Laue camera (Chemistry) Film Development (BCF) Gamma & Beta radiation counters (BCF) Imaging documentation system, Image Quant LAS4010 (BCF) Bio-safety virus room (BCF) Optical fiber Oxygen sensor (Biomimetic Research Laboratory) Preparatory reversed-phase HPLC (C18 column) (Biomimetic Research Laboratory) Analytical reversed-phase HPLC (C18 column) (Biomimetic Research Laboratory) Chiral column HPLC (Biomimetic Research Laboratory) Circular dichroism (CD) spectrometer (Biomimetic Research Laboratory) Lyofilizer (Biomimetic Research Laboratory) UV-Vis spectrophotometer (Biomimetic Research Laboratory) Agilent 7820A Gas Chromatograpy (Biomimetic Research Laboratory) | Chemical Eng. BCF Materials Eng. Biotechnology & Food Eng. Chemistry Biomimetic Research Laboratory |